
Alberto Sabino - Blog

Informações, fotos, dicas e links do Designer, Consultor de Moda e Turismo de Luxo, Palestrante e Fotógrafo.

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009

Jóias de Luxo - Arte - Design - Moda


Jewelry Designer Carri Vacik
"To me being a designer is the same as being an artist. It is a passion and a lifestyle. Almost everything that you do and what goes on around you influences your work. It is because of this that you must seek out unique experiences, to keep an open mind and to feel different sentiments, this encourages creativity and growth."

Esta polêmica entre designer e artist tem dado o que falar.
 MODA poderia ser considerada ARTE?
Em que lugar e em qual categoria deveriam ter sido
colocados as obras de Andy Warhol retratando
Yves Saint Laurent?


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